Infinitely recyclable aluminium

The world is changing to a more sustainable place, and Europe has taken the lead in this regard. First with its short-term 20-20-20 Plan, which consists of reducing GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions by 20% compared to 1990 figures. To obtain at least 20 % of energy consumption from renewable sources, and at the same time cover 10 % of transport needs with biofuels. 
And in the long term with its 2050 objective, in which the European Union is to make the continent the first climate-neutral continent. 

Aluminium, thanks to its interesting qualities, is an extremely useful material, used in countless sectors: from food packaging to aeronautical manufacturing. What makes it even more valuable, however, is its capacity to be 100% reusable whilst maintaining all its properties. 
ALL OF IT. What’s more, less energy is required to recycle this metal than for its own initial extraction. 

Reciclaje de aluminio de EXTRUAL extruidos del aluminio
Tratamiento de aguas en EXTRUAL extruidos del aluminio

Extrual with change

The public and private commitment to aluminium is strong. Our industry is changing from a linear model of waste production to a circular model in which materials, at the end of their useful life, can be transformed into something else. Extrual is already part of the change and, to this end, the surplus material at the different manufacturing stages is sorted and classified, which is subsequently transferred to centres which provide the ideal treatment for its reuse. 

We are not only developing a responsible environmental policy with our exhaustive wastewater treatment to recover up to 50% of wastewater, the integrated environmental authorisation or periodic inspections of emissions, soil, noise and discharge controls.  

Rather, we go one step further and are already using recycled aluminium from the Hydro Reduxa programme, a revolutionary aluminium with one of the lowest carbon footprints in the world to date, due to the use of renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric power, reducing the footprint per kg to less than a quarter of the global average. But also going that extra mile with additional efforts which are valued and have earned us certifications which are not very common in the sector, such as the recently awarded French ALU+C- certification, which certifies that Extrual meets the stringent carbon emission requirements in both the aluminium production process as well as the manufacturing process, including our suppliers and traders. 


Commitment to aluminium and the environment

Extrual develops

A responsible environmental policy, which applies to all areas of the company and results in environmentally friendly solutions.

Having the Integrated Environmental Authorisation

which guarantees the carrying out of periodic inspections for the
verification of emissions into the atmosphere, soil, noise and discharges into the network controls. 

Perfil de aluminio como macetero de EXTRUAL extruidos del aluminio
Aluminium recyclability

Thanks to the aluminium’s 
recyclability characteristics, all surplus material 
at the various manufacturing process stages is sorted and classified.


It is subsequently transferred to the aluminium billet production centres, where it is subjected to the appropriate treatment for its reuse.

With this policy, we manage to do our bit in a world which belongs to everyone.  We are committed to the environment. We are committed to you.

Billet with a high percentage of
recycled scrap

Along with all of the above, at Extrual there are re-smelters which receive the excess aluminium and its production waste to convert the material back into billets, with 100% of its original characteristics.



Extrual formulates a responsible environmental policy, which applies to all areas of the company and results in environmentally friendly solutions.

Having obtained the Integrated Environmental Authorisation, which guarantees the carrying out of periodic inspections for the verification of emissions into the atmosphere, soil, noise and discharges into the network controls.